Lauren Book Statement on New Orleans Saints Incident

HOLLYWOOD, FLA. —Former Florida Senator Lauren Book—  a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, Founder/CEO of Lauren’s Kids, and preeminent fighter for child protection — has issued the following statement in response tothe breaking news revealing emails from the New Orleans Saints helping cover up child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy:

“As a survivor of child sexual abuse and an advocate for victims and survivors, I am deeply saddened and outraged by emails showing the extent of the New Orleans Saints’ involvement in the cover-up of the child sexual abuse occurring in the Archdiocese of New Orleans.

The fact that executives in the New Orleans Saints organization used their power and influence to orchestrate a PR campaign to protect child sexual abusers is indefensible. I am calling on the NFL, federal and state law enforcement, and the community to further investigate the executives of the New Orleans Saints and hold those involved accountable, regardless of their status. The New Orleans Saints turned their back on their community and perpetuated abuse through their actions.

This case serves as a stark reminder that abuse and exploitation can occur in any community and, unfortunately, trusted institutions and individuals are often at fault. When abusers are uncovered, they must be reported, and law enforcement must be notified immediately to prevent further abuse from occurring. Every moment is crucial when it comes to reporting abuse and removing abusers from our communities. There is no excuse to turn a blind eye to abuse of any kind, but especially that of children.  

At Lauren’s Kids, we are committed to preventing child sexual abuse through education and awareness, and we stand in solidarity with the survivors who have bravely come forward. We must continue to support and protect victims and survivors, ensuring they receive the justice and healing they deserve. No one is above the law, and it is our collective responsibility to create a safer world for our children.”

Book is a passionate advocate for sexual abuse prevention, noting that 95 percent of abuse is preventable through education and awareness. Her advocacy has resulted in dozens of laws being changed to better protect children and keep predators at bay, including enacting the toughest abuse reporting law in the nation following the Penn State/Jerry Sandusky failure to report the case. She has walked across the state of Florida nine times to raise awareness and advocate for change and created an abuse prevention curriculum being used in 46 states across the country to educate millions of children and adults about personal safety each year. Learn more at 


BACKGROUND from the Associated Press: 

Leaders of the Archdiocese of New Orleans contacted the New Orleans Saints executives before the publishing of a list of predatory Catholic priests. New Orleans Saints’ executives spoke with a New Orleans prosecutor, local media, and a judge to remove certain clergy members from a list of accused Catholic clergy. “The AP identified 20 clergymen who had been accused in lawsuits or charged by law enforcement with child sexual abuse who were inexplicably omitted from the New Orleans list — including two who were charged and convicted of crimes.”

In addition to editing the released list of child sexual abusers, emails sent from New Orleans Saints’ accounts revealed that Saints executives carried out an “aggressive public relations campaign” to help the church weather the publication of a list of priests accused of child sexual abuse.