Safer, Smarter Communities

While 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys will become a victim of sexual abuse before their 18th birthday, 95% of this abuse is preventable through education and awareness…and healing happens with guidance and support. That’s why Lauren’s Kids has created resources for use throughout communities to help protect childhood and support survivors. Access materials below for youth serving organizations, families fostering children who have been sexually abused, first responders, and the community at large.


Youth Serving Organization Handbook

Child predators seek out opportunities to have access to children, so it is important for youth-serving organizations to implement safeguards to prevent child predators from gaining access, and to respond to reported incidents, allegations and evidence of such abuse immediately. The Lauren’s Kids Youth-Serving Organization Handbook helps guide organizations that serve youth in best practices for keeping kids safe, including suggested policies to protect children from becoming victims of child sexual abuse, how to report suspected abuse, and information on how to recognize unsafe adults.

Download your copy here.


Quick Tips for First Responders Guide

The Lauren’s Kids Quick Tips for First Responders guide is a waterproof, tear-proof bifold designed for law enforcement officers, paramedics, and firefighters who are responding to a child sexual abuse report or suspecting child sexual abuse when arriving at the scene. Developed in partnership with Autism Speaks, this tips guide also provides information on how to best respond when the suspected victim has autism or another developmental disability.

Download the guide here  or contact us to request printed copies.


Don’t Miss the Signs Public Awareness Materials

Lauren’s Kids created the Don’t Miss the Signs comprehensive public awareness campaign with the Florida Department of Children and Families to educate Floridians about the signs of child abuse and ALL adults’ legal obligation to report suspected abuse. The award-winning campaign has been replicated throughout the country, thanks in part to dollars from the Penn State Restitution Fund.

Click here  to learn more about the Don’t Miss the Signs campaign and to download free materials or contact us  to request printed copies of posters, rack cards, etc.


Topic-Based Videos and PSAs

One of the biggest barriers to preventing child sexual abuse is lack of education and awareness. That’s why Lauren’s Kids created a series of EMMY Award-winning public service announcements (PSAs) and a series of short educational videos discussing different aspects of child sexual abuse explained by experts, survivors and even a convicted child molester in an effort to shine light on this dark issue.

Click here to watch these topic-based videos.

Click here to watch Lauren’s Kids’ award-winning PSAs