Appetite for Giving - Lauren's Kids
Event Sponsor:


TITLE: Appetite for Giving
SERVING: South Florida Kids
FROM THE KITCHEN OF: Participating Lauren’s Kids Hero Restaurants


Generous Donors
Heaping Scoop of Love


Combine all ingredients. Diners have an “Appetite for Giving” and first savor a meal at participating restaurant where the chef cooks fabulous dishes made with love. Second, after the meal when the check comes, guests can donate to STOP CHILD ABUSE.


Diners Donate Here:

Participating Restaurants:

Thank you to our Lauren’s Kids Chef Heroes:

Why Participate:

There are 42 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse in the United States. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and we are asking restaurants in Miami-Dade and Broward counties to join in the fight to prevent child sexual abuse. This month-long partnership is an opportunity for exposure, showing the community that your restaurant is committed to being a difference-maker for the 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys sexually abused before the age of 18.

Restaurants are invited to help raise awareness for the month of April and help to collect voluntary donations at the point of payment. The premise is that restaurant guests will have an opportunity to make a donation to Lauren’s Kids when they pay the check.

About the campaign:

Lauren’s Kids has many initiatives in recognition of National Child abuse Prevention Month and National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and included in the lineup is the first annual Appetite for Giving. The Appetite for Giving promotion is a month-long campaign held through the entire month of April 2023. Appetite for Giving is a Restaurant Partner Campaign held throughout Miami- Dade and Broward Counties. Restaurants are invited to join in the fight to prevent child sexual abuse by agreeing to collect voluntary donations at the point of payment. The premise is that restaurant guests will have an opportunity to make a donation to Lauren’s Kids when they pay the check.

About Lauren’s Kids:

Mission: To prevent sexual abuse through education and awareness, and to help survivors heal with guidance and support.

Driven by her personal experience as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse at the hands of a trusted caretaker, Lauren Book founded Lauren’s Kids, an official, 501(c)(3), Florida-based non-profit dedicated to protecting children and helping survivors heal, in 2007. Lauren’s personal journey from victim to thriving survivor has been well chronicled in numerous books, periodicals and film documentaries, while Lauren’s Kids, has grown into a well-recognized charity of local, state, national and international prominence. The organization’s commitment to creating a culture of safety, led them to author, design and produce the country’s first-ever comprehensive Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 school- based child sexual abuse prevention curriculum, aligned to state and national education standards. The program, known as Safer, Smarter Kids, originated in Florida’s classrooms and is now used in more than 65,000 classrooms around the country. Lauren’s Kids also provides education materials for families and communities, including more than 10 million awareness materials statewide via direct mail each year. Lauren and Lauren’s Kids have helped advocate for the passage of dozens of laws to keep kids safe and support survivors.

Learn more at

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