As Kids Return to School, Florida State Senator, Child Safety Advocate & Lauren’s Kids founder and CEO Lauren Book, Urges Caution of New “Saturn” App

The new app Saturn has come under scrutiny recently for being a platform that collects students’ information, such as their names, school schedules, links to social media accounts, and other personal information. The app contains a feature where students can friend request each other and chat via the platform – but without any sort of verification, anyone, not just students, can use the app – leaving students vulnerable to predators seeking to gain access and build trust. South Florida-based nonprofit Lauren’s Kids urges caution about the new app and highlights the dangers that apps like Saturn can pose regarding child and teen digital safety .

“With 1 in 5 children and teens being sexually solicited online, it’s more important than ever we bring awareness to very real digital dangers apps like Saturn pose,” Senator Lauren Book, founder and CEO of Lauren’s Kids, explained. “Back-to-school is upon us, and it is critical for parents to be educated about digital safety, have conversations with their kids, and take necessary steps to monitor their child’s online presence to reduce the risk.”

To learn more about digital dangers and ways to keep kids safe online, check out Lauren’s Kids free family safety resources today, as well as digital safety resources and PSAs.