Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties, Inc.
2600 South Street
Leesburg, FL 34748
Contact: Kelly Smallridge
Office: (352) 787-5889
Fax: (352) 787-4125
Hotline: (352) 787-1379 (Lake & Sumter) and (352) 344-5268 (Citrus)
Website: http://www.havenlakesumter.org
Services: 24-hour hotline, information and referral, crisis intervention, advocacy and accompaniment: general, medical and legal, support groups, therapy: individual, group and secondary victims, prevention education and training, victim/survivor follow-up, shelter and emergency financial assistance.
Service Fee: Free
Services to: Adults, Children, Adolescents and Persons with Disabilities
Counties Served: Citrus, Lake, Sumter
FLORIDA : Florida Council Against Sexual Violence
Crisis Hotline : 1.888.956.RAPE (7273)
UNITED STATES : RAINN (Rape Abuse Incest National Network)
Crisis Hotline : 1.800.656.HOPE (4673)
Lauren’s Kids is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, tax I.D. number 26-1252588. Read our Privacy Policy. View A Guide to Hope and Healing references. Visit LaurensKids.org to learn more.