Families: Order Your Family Safety Activity Pack Today

Printed Packs FREE for Florida Families…
Downloadable Packs FREE for ALL!

parent pack

Lessons include ways for elementary school children to build:

  • Safe relationships, including a “trusted triangle” of adults a child can talk to about anything, from a bad dream or fight with a friend, to a touch that makes them feel unsafe.
  • Safe communication, where kids learn how to tap into their guiding voice and consider how different situations make them think, feel and act.
  • Physical safety, such as identifying body boundaries and determining the difference between safe and unsafe touches.
  • Personal safety, by learning about privacy, grooming tactics used by pedophiles, and what makes a secret safe or unsafe.
  • Plans for safety, through creating a P.L.A.N. for every situation and being aware of surroundings.
  • Safety in the digital world, knowing one in five children under 18 are solicited sexually through the internet and the increasing importance of practicing positive cyber citizenship.


Florida families can order a free copy of the “Blueprint for Building Safer, Smarter Families” activity pack. Families outside of Florida interested in ordering a packet can do so for $24.99.

For bulk orders of these activity packs within or outside of Florida, email [email protected].

For FREE resources to use with children ages 5-18 – including children with special needs – visit SaferSmarterFamilies.org.