Child Sexual Abuse Prevention in Los Angeles

Since 2007, Lauren’s Kids has been one of the loudest voices speaking up for survivors of child sexual abuse. Through a unique curriculum which places emphasis on education and awareness, Lauren’s Kids is one of the most innovative and effective programs to date when it comes to helping survivors of child sexual abuse with the healing process. Although the foundation was established in Florida, the mission is to help survivors of abuse from Miami to Los Angeles and everywhere in between. Educating the people of Los Angeles, CA and raising awareness on the many ways to prevent child sexual abuse is paramount to ending abuse altogether. However, a single person cannot stop all abuse by themselves, it takes a concerted effort on behalf of parents, educators and lawmakers to truly make a difference in the lives of children everywhere.

Much like Miami, FL and New York, NY, child sexual abuse prevention in Los Angeles hinges upon educating the public on a number of different issues including how to recognize warning signs of abuse, what to do when you suspect abuse may be happening and all the ways you can help support the cause. Education and awareness are the two most valuable tool in preventing abuse and helping survivors with the healing process. In fact, 95 percent of child sexual abuse can be prevented through education and awareness alone so the programs provided by Lauren’s Kids become all that more valuable for parents, educators and lawmakers.

In addition to helping prevent child sexual abuse in Los Angeles and across California, we also provide support for survivors of child sexual abuse so they have the opportunity to heal and grow into valuable members of the community. Though the mental, physical and emotional scars caused by child sexual abuse can stay with a survivor throughout a lifetime, healing is possible with the help of trained trauma and sexual assault counselors and the support of family and friends. Survivors of child sexual abuse can advocate for prevention by sharing their stories and raising awareness to educate others and empower fellow survivors to shed the shame and begin their own healing journey.

California has long been an advocate for stricter reporting laws when it comes to protection children from neglect and abuse. The Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act, for example, establishes teachers, aides, administrators, social worker and more as mandatory reporters who have a duty to report instances of abuse. It may seem obvious that when you see abuse, you report it, but many adults do not follow the proper protocols and Lauren’s Kids is dedicated to preventing mismanagement when it comes to child sexual abuse prevention in Los Angeles and across the state of California.