Ok so we are less than 48 hours away for the third annual Walk in My Shoes Survivor Walk!! We are all tying up loose ends and making last minute preparations! I have to be honest, we may have done this twice before but I am more nervous this time!! As a survivor, and warrior against sexual abuse I always want our programs to go off without a hitch and I want to live up to, and exceed what we have done in the past. This often times leads to sleepless nights, and ANXIETY! But I am lucky to have amazing people in my life who bring me back to center! So today is about remaining CALM, centering and enjoying the moment! You only have one life and each day is a gift! Remember the Present is a Present! ;)
“You were born with potential
You were born with goodness and trust
You were born with ideals and dreams
You were born with greatness
You were born with wings
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t
You have wings
Learn to use them and fly!”
You were born with goodness and trust
You were born with ideals and dreams
You were born with greatness
You were born with wings
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t
You have wings
Learn to use them and fly!”
– Rumi, was a 13th Century Sufi Mystic.