Schenectady, NY

It was 5 years ago. I was 12 years old, and had just gotten my period. My father must have realized my breasts, and that’s when it all began.

I lived with my father, sisters (2) ages 14 and 8, and brother, age 4.

My mother had to go to a mental institution for reasons still unknown to me today. I lived with my father as the main authority in my life.

I was in my bedroom, on my phone, texting my best friend Rachael. My dad walked in with a knife. He walks up to my bed and says,
“Now I am hoping that I don’t have to use this. But I will if I have to.”

He sat on my knees, and unbuttoned my pants, and took off my shirt, exposing my bra. He, who was in his boxers already, took my panties off, and raped me. I felt a pain and squealed a bit. He took his knife!
And slit my wrist. He said,
“That is for making noise.”

I hated it. I felt the blood running down my leg. He then put his genitals in my mouth.
This happened at least 10 times every month, and he is now in jail for child abuse! And is a sex offender.