Testimonial: Free Parent Training Works


I know testimonials are powerful and prevention is everything. Over a year ago I used your free parent toolkit (especially the video) and followed through my my children. They chose their three safe people in their circle to report to, understand safe and unsafe secrets, safe and unsafe touches and so much more. It’s an ongoing, comfortable dialogue in our home. My daughter was going into Kindergarten and during the year, she added her teacher into her circle.

Yesterday she wasn’t in the car line for pick up–she had gone to her former teacher for “booboo” cream for some “owies” on her leg. I received an email from the teacher. My daughter never told me the real reason she saw her KG teacher. Apparently a boy touched her on her chest–and it was not the first time. She told him to stop and but he had done it before yesterday, a few times. She sought out the person in her circle. The teacher is now addressing the behavior with the boy and school through the proper channels. My daughter did what she learned to do and I’m amazed that she didn’t tell me before. She’s very private and doesn’t like sharing feelings–but knows part of the circle is that the safe adults will handle it. The burden isn’t on the child, the adults communicate with her parents and the person her did something wrong–it’s now something she doesn’t have to worry about.

She told her safe person and knew she didn’t have to worry about being touched anymore. She knew I would know and she didn’t have to feel the pain of telling me. The adults would take it from there and make her feel safe again.

Your parent training works–THANK YOU.
