Digital Dangers PSA: TikTok – Time to Check on Your Child

youth serving organizations

You may have heard about popular app TikTok coming under scrutiny for sharing user data with China, but that’s not the only digital danger apps like TikTok pose for children and teens. 1 in 5 children who touch a digital device will be sexually solicited online. Parents, get educated about ways predators use apps like TikTok to gain access to and exploit children – and what you can do to keep your kids safe online.

Check out our new Digital Dangers PSA: TikTok – Time to Check on Your Child

BROADCAST version – made possible with support and partnership from Modjo, featuring their international hit song “Lady (Hear me Tonight)”

DIGITAL version

Did you know? 

The FBI has released guidance warning of increased digital predation during COVID-19, with kids spending more time than usual on digital devices. Those who seek to abuse and exploit children online frequent the very same apps, games and social media sites as their intended victims – gaining trust, then exploiting it. It is critical for parents to be educated about these dangers, and what they can do to reduce the risk to their child.


To help families with children of all ages stay safe from online and in-person predation, Lauren’s Kids is sharing a round-up of print and digital safety resources.