Thank you for your interest in becoming a Lauren’s Kids Charity Recycling school partner! Please fill out the form below to begin the process of applying for a recycling bin for your school.
School Partner FAQs:
How do I get started?
Confirm payment information and location choice and email Lauren’s Kids at [email protected].
Is this a Miami-Dade Public Schools approved program?
It sure is! Your school board unanimously voted to bring this amazing recycling and fundraising opportunity to your school. Schools in other parts of Florida are also looking into the program.
When will we get our recycling bin?
A member of the Lauren’s Kids team will reach out to you via email and schedule a mutually agreed upon date to place the recycling bin at your school.
Do I have to meet with the Lauren’s Kids driver to accept the bin?
As much as we love meeting our Miami-Dade public school partners, it is not necessary.
How will Lauren’s Kids know where to place the bin at our school?
We will send you a site plan with two options clearly marked on it. You check off which option you desire, and we will place the bin at that location.
How big is the bin?
The bin is appro imately 65 inches by 50 inches by 72 inches tall. It takes up less than 1/4 of a parking space.
What are some examples of acceptable items to recycle?
Sample items include: clothing, shoes, pots, pans, dishes, glassware, plastic ware, toys, small appliances, picture frames, blankets, sheets, and towels.
What do we have to do to maintain the bin?
Absolutely nothing. We only ask that you promote recycling to the students and their families at your school. Email blasts, Twitter posts, Facebook posts, announcements and flyers in the backpacks are some great ways to get the word out!
How does our school make money from this program?
Every three months we will send your school an easy to read report of how much your bin collected, along with a check for $0.05/lb for all collected items.
How often will our bin be serviced?
We have installed SmartBin sensors which tell us when to empty your bin, and we will empty it on an as needed basis. If you ever need an extra pick up, please call (561)405-1593 or email [email protected].
Can we continue to fundraise during the summer?
Yes, we will continue this program year-round.